Wednesday, 10th of August, 2007
So, is it possible that dreams come true? Hm… I’ve just had a bite of an apple bought as supplies on my yacht Tanasza Polska for my cruise around the world… eating it, I wonder how it’s possible that a fruit bought in any Hawaiian market can taste as delicious as fruits I have been lifting from my neighbors’ gardens in Poland (you should know I wasn’t alone though but I won’t mention who I went there with☺). Is it my imagination or life is just beautiful, that’s the question? Or maybe both, maybe I’m just happy…to be finally underway in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
The feeling is even stronger when I think about how much work it has taken and sacrifices I made to be here. There are so many moments behind me full of hope and despair. My poor friends, my best listeners, have been coping with me for years, always talking about the same thing… (Thank you for your patience). I’ve learnt so much about me from the people I met on my way. The mere fact that I am finally here makes me a very happy person.
The only thing left to make my luck more complete would be for a seagull to poop on my head. There are lots of birds around my mast but they seem to be more interested in fishing rather than polluting my boat. So just forget about any additional luck.
I rely on my determination and the helping hand of my friends who believed in me. I dedicate my trip to those who believed, who believe now and who will believe…
But we will talk about it later, I have a feeling I need to put some reefs in now (the weather forecast says so ;<) there will be some wind tonight. The breeze is good. So as they say there is no such thing as bad weather only improper clothing.