another of my Angels has joined the Mackinac regatta today.
( Yesterday, I spoke to Krzysztof Kamiński, the owner of Tanasza, Huzaria, and Błyskawica.He and his crew were preparing late into the night to spend four days at sea. His crew are all magnificent Polish sailors. Keep fingers crossed for them!
In the morning, I was visited by Roger who brought some fruit salad – the salad was for me:) They look after me here, my heart gets warm at such displays of affection. I got fuel, saw to a few matters and then I was persuaded to pay a quick visit to Douglas. His mansion, located over a river and a beach, is just breathtaking. I did not dip my toe, of course. I am afraid of crocodiles... and it does not matter that, supposedly, there are none here. I met nice gentlemen, one of whom offered to help me in preparation of my pilot’s licence. We fried a tasty fish and I was given a mango. The host himself climbed a tree to get it. Although I worked a bit on the computer on my way there, I felt a bit guilty since I should have been studying a reef system then... I do not regret that I saw the place, though. Of that I am sure. Anyway, you live only once and we regret those things which we did not do in our lives...
On my way back, I saw a lady who carried a large package on her head. I also saw a dog which walked to the other side of the road on a pedestrian bridge over the road, instead of simply crossing it...

This photo will always remain in my memory...
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