17 - 11 - 2008
770 miles left. Time: 1400 Zulu, 13th of November 2008. Position: 27 11S, 045 35E

It’s blowing a bit too much, who needs 35 knots when not in a race anyway;) It’s cold, I am sleeping in a sleeping-bag and under a blanket; the wind can’t make up its mind as to which side to blow from so I tack now and then, a self-steering gear breaks down from time to time and I need to run to the stern and fix it (the part responsible for staying on course broke down). The yacht is hiding among the waves, they are large like houses:)
It turns out that I am not alone here. There are other yachts around which contact me on the radio asking if I am all right and then they are happy that I responded:) Amazing:)
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