10th September
2100 The Zulu, 08 42S, 122 47W, 940 miles left
Three weeks have passed since I am off the coast. Can you imagine? 21 days, all along, only me and the ocean. My red ‘Tanasza’ would look just great against the blue ocean if you looked from the above, don’t you think? It was extremely dark yesterday, and before the moon appeared I couldn’t distinguish between the sea and the sky, no stars, perfect darkness. I felt like I was sailing in a pitch-black hole, not very nice. But, as Horace said, "patience makes lighter what sorrow may not heal.”. During the day, though, in the sun warming the foamed waves, water is perfectly turquoise. It is the most beautiful turquoise in the whole world.
I’ve received the weather forecast from the ship heading for Tahiti.