On 8 May, I met people of Ustka in the Town Hall. It is hard to believe, but it was so ‘crisp’ that people came wearing woollen hats and scarves.
photo. E. Zając
Then, I went to Łódź. I visited students from Liceum nr 1 (a high school) and the scouts from Drużyna Wodniacka.
On 15 May, at the invitation of Translateria Translation Agency (
WWW.translateria.pl), I was a guest of The First Sailing Days „Łódź on the Horizon”. Translateria was with me during the cruise. I am really grateful for their support, they helped me by translating my blog into English. The Sailing Days in Łódź (
http://www.lodznahoryzoncie.pl/) was really well prepared. The venue was just great, and everything was organised in a very professional way. It was wonderful to learn about the „See the Sea” (www.zobaczycmorze.pl) project and watch unique film about sailing. I also took part in the lively concert of Banana Boat - you have to see them! There was an arts contest for kids, they painted „holidays with water”, there was a sailing fair... In my opinion, it is the greatest sailing-related event in a big city I have ever visited. Next year, I’ll try to be there, too!
http://picasaweb.google.pl/102997420041771311575/IOdzkieDniZeglarskie# foto. Magda Przybylak
After Łódź, I went to Warsaw, where I had a few meetings related to my new project. On 17 May, I took part in a video conference with school children from Aleksandrów Kujawski. They showed me their wonderful paintings and drawings illustrating my cruise. Actually, I got the impression that they know more about my cruise than I do J. It was a really nice surprise. They also told me about their favourite Polish travellers, future patrons of their school. I hope we will meet live, not only via the Internet, one day!